General English I – Elementary

General Information:

  • CRICOS Code: 03490G
  • Total Course Duration: 12 Weeks (Start every Monday)
  • Study Period: 10 Weeks (20 hours of scheduled classes every week)
  • Holidays: 2 Weeks
  • Tuition Fees: AUD $2880.00
  • Material Fee: AUD $180
  • Application Fee: AUD $ 250

Profile Target:

This course is designed for candidates over 18 years old who hold a valid Australian Visa (onshore and offshore). It is designed for a formal classroom setting; the methodology and content are directed to adults from different backgrounds who are willing to improve their English as a second language knowledge and proficiency for General purposes. This includes the notion that language learning is a conscious process, and that learning and acquisition of language can arise from interaction both with others and with materials.

Entry requirements:

No minimum entry requirements.

Course Structure & Delivery Methods:

GE I will comprehend 12 weeks duration of which the students will have 250 hours class per level divided into 10 weeks, 20 hours are classroom based (face to face) and there is a 5-hour self-paced space for students to study during the week (from week 1-10, week 11 and 12 are break time or time for students to catch up with pending summative assessments). The weekly 25 hours will be allocated within 4 days per week. However, students may consult or express special needs for further considerations to the trainer or ELICOS Director of Studies/Academic Manager.

Purpose and Objectives:

The purpose of the General English (GE) program is to meet the basic communication needs of the learners. It aims at developing basic English language skills, in order for the learners to gain social skills that are necessary to meet communication and cultural needs while travelling and participating in community contexts in Australia and other English-speaking countries. It can be assumed that all students entering the GE course have the common objective of giving the first steps to learn English start communicating in this one. During the course they will focus on the four key skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Also, to gain accuracy and pronunciation by daily practices integrated with class practices. It is a great opportunity to develop the communication skills by taking part in classroom activities with other students and focus on vocabulary building.

At the end of the course, students should be able to hold and understand simple conversations, write basic texts and reading them. This knowledge will facilitate the learning process for those who want to continue with the EAP, taking international English exams or display skills to access higher education.

Course Learning Outcome:

– Listening
  • Can understand everyday expressions
  • Can recognize familiar words and basic phrases related to own self, family and surroundings
  • Can understand instructions addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and follow short, simple directions
– Reading
  • Can understand familiar names and words in common everyday situations
  • Can understand short and simple sentences and texts
  • Can read simple words, sentences posters, notices or brochures.
  • Can understand short and simple messages on postcards
  • Can follow simple written instructions or directions
– Writing
  • Can write short and simple messages or postcards
  • Can fill forms requiring personal details
  • Can write simple sentences
– Speaking
  • Can introduce own self
  • Can initiate and respond to questions on familiar topics such as about personal details (for example; where he/she lives, where he/she is studying) or familiar topics
  • Can interact in a basic and simple way provided the other person is talking slowly and clearly and can repeat and rephrase sentences as required.
– Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Can develop a basic repertoire of words and simple phrases related to personal details and definite situations such as immediate surroundings.
  • Can demonstrate control of a few simple grammatical structures to a limited degree
  • Can use appropriate linear connectors like “and” and “because”
– Independent learning
  • Can set short and long-term goals and identify preferred learning styles and strategies and reflect on own learning
  • Can develop an effective study plan to improve time management, do independent study and maintain an assessment portfolio